Hello and welcome!

I'm Kristina Bruce, a Certified Change Coach specializing in helping women break free from constant worries about weight and appearance. My goal is to help you feel healthy and confident in your body right now, without focusing on a number on the scale.

My approach goes beyond just body image. If you're struggling with anxiety or feelings of inadequacy, I assist clients in reconnecting with their inherent worthiness and wisdom, fostering a life filled with ease, joy, and self-trust.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to explore my supportive resources and offerings below.

I was lucky enough to meet Kristina. I have struggled with my mind and body image since I was 12 years old. From the first meeting she shared with me a way of seeing things and life that helped me to feel calmer and better from that very moment. It is as if she gave me a missing piece of the puzzle. I recommend anyone who suffers from body image issues or struggles with negative thinking, to meet her and start the journey alongside her to live a happier and better life.
— Clara, France

Seen and Heard On


Free Resources

I’m so thankful for Kristina’s meditation recordings. I listen pretty much every week and I find them a really valuable tool in my week for grounding & acceptance.
— Emma, U.K.

Supportive Offerings

I came to Kristina experiencing a lot of anxiety throughout my day. I had been in therapy for 6 years but only noticed changes around the edges. After working with Kristina I feel less anxiety overall, and am more present and in-tune with myself. I now have the skills to not let anxiety take over my life. I used to spend my time thinking about what other people thought of me, but I am now able to let go of needing to be liked - this has helped me tremendously.
— Caitlin L., Minnesota

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